Liebster Award! Woo Hoo!

Yesterday, Kurt Giambastiani nominated my Wildflower blog (The Wildflower Scout) for a Liebster Award. Mr Giambastiani explains that this is actually “a vox populi way of shining a light on newer blogs (those with followers <200).”

Anyone familiar with Flickr (the photo sharing site) will soon recognize Liebster. It is a nice way to get people to enjoy and respond to other people’s work, a shout to the masses. Vox populi in other words.*

Kurt, I bow humbly in your direction. Thanks, dude.

Here’s how the Liebster Award works. I am required to do the following:

  1. Thank and link back to the giver. (That would be seattle author Kurt R.A. Giambastiani, you really ought to read his work.Great stuff. Awesome, even).
  2. Answer the giver’s questions.
  3. ‘Nominate’ five other blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
  4. Ask five questions for one’s nominees to answer.
  5. Post it all on one’s blog!

Here are Kurt’s questions and my answers

What drives you as a creative artist (writer, blogger, photographer)?
Seeing something so interesting or beautiful or thought provoking that I want to share it with others, and the challenge is always to create something that evokes something in them as well. It’s a lot harder that I make it sound, at least for me!

What’s your favorite breakfast?

Super strong French Roast coffee with a little milk and a bit of whipped cream on top, poor woman’s Starbucks but a lot lot stronger
How have you benefited from blogging?
I have reconnected with some friends, helped a few people have a pleasant afternoon hiking and exploring outdoors, and of course I have been able to showcase my wildflower photography on it’s own stage.
Which artist’s/writer’s/actor’s work do you really enjoy, even though you don’t like the artist/writer/actor, and why?
If I can name a cartoon character, my answer is Eric Cartman from South Park, Colorado. Cartman makes that show pop but he is such a little a#$@!&, so mean and anti semitic. Yet he acts like  “mommys little fat muffin”, so sweet, singing like an angel. Don’t turn your back on him.
I can think of no other, so I hope a cartoon character will be acceptable! 
Who would you like to “shadow” for a week, to see how they really lived (pick anyone, living or dead, from any time period)?
The recent discovery of my birth mother’s identity and the sad and unfortunate news that she died tragically in 1976 consume my thoughts, so I would like to have shadowed her.

Congratulations to my five Nominees –  all blogs I have enjoyed in the past and hope to continue to enjoy in the future.    

Ruminating on the Profundities
Utterly Random By Jules
Renees Random Blog

My 5 questions for my Nominees:

1.  Reincarnation question: if you could choose to be anyone’s beloved pooch, whom would you choose as your “master”, and why?
2.  What got you started blogging?
3.  If you had to choose one of the following two life situations,  A or B, which would it be, and why?
     A) There are no pilots  left alive  on your flight back from your European vacation,
and while the threat which killed all able pilots is gone, it has fallen to you to land the
airplane – an Airbus A380, and it is full of innocent people.
You have never flown anything but a homemade kite, and that was in the second grade.
   B) You are the pivotal star material witness in a drawn out trial of a huge and
cutthroat organized crime syndicate. It will be months before you get your new identity,
and in the meantime you will have many days of testimony and must live in a safe house.
4. Where is your favorite place in the great outdoors and why?
5.  If you could have been born anywhere, and in any time in history, where and when would you choose, and why?

Have fun with those questions, and pay it forward!

* I studied Latin about a hundred years ago – before it died.